Limiting beliefs
“We believe what we want to believe, and once we believe something it becomes a self-fulfilling truth.” - Seth Godin
Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions; what do you believe about yourself? (e.g. “I’ll always be fat!”) What do you believe about your life? (e.g. “I’ll never be rich”) Do you know for a fact that those beliefs are true? The truth is you cannot possibly know that they are true, I am assuming you do not have a fully functioning crystal ball, as you cannot see into the future. What I know to be true, is that if you live your life by your self-limiting beliefs they will show up for you. Where do you think the adage “careful what you wish for” comes from. By thinking these limiting beliefs you are literally wishing for them. The Universe is a good listener, but it can not determine that you ‘wishing’ to be fat means you actually want to lose a few pounds.
If you are really stuck it helps to work with a qualified practitioner.