faster eft
Please read through the steps and familiarise yourself with the tapping points before starting.
step 1 - identify the issue and scale
Identify the issue that is troubling you, notice the emotion(s) coming up for you, notice where it shows up for your physically. Give the issue a number, zero being it does not bother you at all, 10 being it’s as bad as it can be, make a note of the number. Get it as close to 10 as you can.
Step 2 - Visualise
Imagine in front of you a tree with roots, notice what happens if I pull the roots out.
Step 3 - the sequence
Take 2 fingers and tap about seven times on each of the following energy points whilst repeating on each point "I release and let go of all past [enter nominalisation]." e.g. hurts, sadnesses, abandonments etc. whatever you feel about the issue.
Step 4 - peace
Hold your wrist (WR) and tap on the inside with your thumb, take a deep breath in though your nose for the count of 7 and out through your mouth for the count of 11 and say "peace".
Step 5 - Check-in
Rescale and go again if necessary.