Basic tapping recipe
Please read through the steps and familiarise yourself with the tapping points before starting.
step 1 - identify and scale the issue
Identify the issue that is troubling you, notice the emotion(s) coming up for you, notice where it shows up for your physically. Give the issue a number, zero being it does not bother you at all, 10 being it’s as bad as it can be, make a note of the number.
step 2 - the set-up
Repeat the affirmation three times whilst continuously tapping on the karate chop point:- “Even though [insert issue], I completely love and accept myself.”
step 3 - the sequence
Tap about seven times on each of the following energy points whilst repeating the reminder phrase(s) at each point:-
EB, SE, UN, Ch, CB UA, Th, IF, MF, BF, KC, Th, IF, MF, BF, TH
step 4 - the 9 gamut procedure (optional)
Continuously tao on the Gamut spot whilst keeping your head still and performing each of these 9 actions:-
Eyes closed
Eyes open
Eyes hard down right
Eyes hard down left
Roll eyes in a circle (as if following the numbers round on a huge clock starting at 12)
Roll eyes in the other direction
Hum a few seconds of a song (e.g. happy birthday)
Count to five out loud
Hum a few seconds of the song again
step 5 - The sequence (again)
Repeat step 3.
step 6 - check the scale again 0 - 10
Repeat steps 2 to 6 as necessary.
Please note
Step 4 is optional, even if you chose to do it in the first round of tapping, you can leave it out in subsequent rounds.
In subsequent rounds the set-up affirmation and reminder phrase are adjusted to reflect that you are addressing the remaining issue. E.g. “Even though I have this remaining 3 [insert issue]…”.